Hellooo Bloggy! I know, I know. You're thinking "Who is this?, We don't know you!? (country man voice----->) You're not from around here are you!?" I hope you imagined a straw in your mouth while holding your pants in the front, straight hillbilly style! But Yes, I know I have abandon this social networking site that I have created for myself, but hey..what do you expect. I can't keep up with all of these web sites that come out, its a process. Work with the kid.
So I've been in school for around 4 weeks now. I was ready for a break on the third day, well the next Monday, I don't want to be toooo dramatic. Seriously, school is a never ending process for a lot of people that wish to become successful and can't get their jump from the entertainment world beforehand. Day after day, year and year..AAAH! I never really understood what people meant when they said they were going to take a year or a semester off to travel the world or "find" themselves. I completely get it now. If I was counting down the days in high school, what makes people think I want to start counting down the years in college. I'm down with learning something new everyday, just not sitting in the desk listening to monotone voices all day while doing so. Last year, some of the teachers recieved some bad reviews from me. Oh yes they did! After 20 or 30 years of teaching, just quit! Lol, just kidding. I'd hate to be the reason a 40, 50, or 60 year old just quits their job during these hard economic times. Oh well, school is a necessity and I have to go until a better opportunity approaches itself, which I doubt will happen. I'm just seeing my sprite can half empty here. Sorry.
On another note. It is Labor Day weekend and I came home from school. I read a chapter in one of my textbooks but I still have so much more to do. I need to find some motivation but thats easier said then done. My mother went to New York with her mother so for the first time I was left home alone since my sister was at her dorm. Even though she came back to the house at night to sleep during the day it was just me. The first night I was pretty scared because I was on the couch and all I saw were windows around me. The second night I slept in my mom's bed so I was fine. I told my sister she didn't have to come home but she "expects" us to work out tomorrow so she came anyway. We were suppose to workout this morning but I said I had to study. LOL. Exercising is just always something that sounds good to say when you know it can't be done at the moment. I really am going to start pretty soon. "I think I can! I think I can!"
Since it's Labor Day weekend, somehow that means you barbeque. I'm not sure how that tradition started but I follow it! When I got home from school on Friday, I started right away making ribs on the grill. (I don't understand how people can make ribs and it not be on the grill..weeeird!) My sister and I were both starving so we just knew these ribs were going to be sooo good! Well, the ribs took forever to cook and when I say forever, i mean FOREVER! We went outside, lit the gril and put the ribs on. 20 mins later, we go outside to check them. And yes we waited that long, we wanted to forget about it and have them be close to ready when we went back out. That was a mistake. My sister and I walked outside, starving and hoping to tear off a piece and have a little sneak peek, oh yes, we were ready! We open up the lid on the grill and what do we see? NOTHING! The fire had died down and the ribs were still cold! I think we seriously lit the grill 5 times before it finally worked. Since it was taking so long, we decided to snake on popcicles. Just when the girll was finally working, we went outside and saw the fire and the ribs, looked at each other and said "Man, I'm not even hungry anymore!" LOL. So sad. We stuffed ourselves on popcicles. Its okay, I've been eating the ribs all weekend. I think I'll get some Japanese later on today. Mommy will be home and so will her money! LOL. Just Kidding! Not really!
Alright, It's about that time. I need to take a nap so I can get up and start my day. Until next time Bloggie. (I'm trying to find a nickname I can call you.) I need a sign off signature too! Hmmm...I'll be thinking of one!