March 13th I turned 20! I spent the whole week in Panama City Beach, Florida because it was also Spring Break. It really seemed like 80% of the people there were all from Tennessee, even people who weren't from TN said "...if I meet one more person from Tenn." lol. I had a lot of fun during Spring Break, met people from different states, met people from the same state, met people who even went to my school that I never knew until then. I also unofficially ended friendships with people who were there too. People who i've known for a while, I just felt it wasn't the same so I stopped talking to them. It hasn't even been a week yet but it feels like its been months, no exaggeration needed! lol.
So far, 20 has been an age of bad luck for me! It seems like from the exact moment i've turned 20, nothing has gone my way! I wasn't looking forward to this age to begin with because i'm not ready to be getting this old. lol. Hopefully it will turn around but again, it hasn't even been a week since I've been 20 and it feels like its been forever! I really hope life turns around because if these are the golden years, i'm in trouble! lol.
Also, I haven't been back to classes yet because i've been sick with a fever but tomorrow I plan to go back. Nothing has changed school wise, I'm still hating every minute of it and I am unsure as to what I want to be doing in life but I don't think school is helping me get there, I could be wrong though. (I doubt it). I'm just ready to move on and become a happy person doing what I love and I hope I know all the details to that life soon! I could really use it!
I really have nothing further to say on this blog, I just wanted to jot down how being 20 is not whats up right now so later on if this year does get better, I can look back at this blog and reflect. Okay, time to start on this homework =(, Until next time!